Monday, April 22, 2013

Pinched Nerve in Neck Treatment

Pinched Nerve in Neck Treatment

Can be defined as a pinched nerve in the neck, such as pressure or nerve-lift / nerves found in the areas between the spine of the neck. This may be caused due to a number of reasons such as poor posture, obesity, slipped disc, sports injuries and injuries related to exercise, injury repetitive stress, arthritis, and trauma from an accident, arthritis and diseases of the neck degenerative disc in the elderly. Regardless of the reason, a pinched nerve in the neck cause tremendous pain, not only in the neck, but in the surrounding areas as well, such as the arms and shoulders and fingers. For this reason, a lot of the time, they are confused as muscle pain. So, before learning how to relieve the pinched nerve that occurs in the neck, it is important to understand the different symptoms as well.

Pinched nerve in the neck symptoms

Some of the common symptoms observed from a pinched nerve in the neck is a sharp pain in the neck area, which becomes worse when you chew, sneezing, coughing or yawning, and numbness in the affected area and a sensation of "pins and needles" in the affected region. Occasionally, pain radiating towards the fingers, and therefore there may be pain and discomfort in all areas of the body and the right of the neck to the shoulders arms to the fingers. Headache, back pain, muscle spasms are some of the other symptoms that may be felt because of a pinched nerve in the neck.

How to fix a pinched nerve in the neck

Compresses hot / coldThe first thing that you should do with regard to the treatment is the application of a hot water bottle or an ice pack on the affected area, for ten minutes, several times in one day. This will help ease the pain caused by a pinched nerve.

NSAIDsAnother thing you can do to relieve the symptoms of pain is to take pain medications such as ibuprofen. Of course, as with any other medication, consult your doctor before taking pain relievers recommended.

OintmentsRegular application of ointments to relieve pain in the neck, and will bring immense relief of the symptoms of neck pain. These can be purchased ointments without a prescription or you may consult your doctor and ask him to refer to one suitable for your treatment.

InjectionIf you suffer from unbearable pain that refuses to die down, then in order to get relief, you might consider taking cortisone injections or epidural injections. These injections can greatly reduce the pain and discomfort caused due to a pinched nerve.

ExerciseYou can consult a physiotherapist who would suggest you some exercises to relieve neck muscles of the neck. Pinched nerve easy exercise that you can try at home is to rotate your neck in a clockwise direction until you reach the starting position and then slowly rotate anti-clockwise. Repeat this several times a day to get relief from tightness caused due to a pinched nerve.

MassageMassage is very, such exercises help relieve the neck muscles. Ideally, opt for a massage by trained professionals. If you try this at home, there are certain precautions that must be followed. First, do not massage the affected area strongly as it may lead to even more shocking. Secondly, always start massage the affected area and then slowly build pressure until you feel that pinch the nerve and relieve.

DietAnother effective home treatment is to take a diet rich in fiber. This is because if you suffer from constipation, it will aggravate the symptoms of pain caused by a pinched nerve. Therefore, include plenty of fiber-rich foods in your diet, such as apples, apricots, bananas, strawberries, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, grains, almonds and flax seeds, lentils, nuts, peanuts, brown rice, oatmeal and pasta.

The symptoms may worsen if the affected area has been moved often or with a jerk, so avoid activities such as lifting heavy objects by muscle strains. Most of the time, the pinched nerve in the neck to get cured by the use of the above-mentioned treatments within a few days. However, if it fails to improve the situation, then the doctor may suggest minor surgery to correct it as a last resort

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