Monday, April 22, 2013

Sciatica Symptoms and Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatica Symptoms and Sciatic Nerve Pain
The sciatic nerve is composed of the lower segments of the spinal cord. Sciatic nerve pain occurs when there is damage to the sciatic nerve. This occurs due to the presence of a pinched nerve near the disc in the spinal cord or bone. Pain extends from the buttocks down the back of the leg.

This occurs when there is damage to the sciatic nerve located in the back of the leg. This nerve controls the muscles of the back of the knee and lower leg and provides sensation to the back of the thigh, part of the lower leg and foot soles.

Common symptoms
Cramping sensation of the thighShooting pain from the buttocks down the legPins and needles tingling or sensations in the legs and thighsBurning sensation in the groin

Sciatica can develop in almost any person with ages ranging between 30 and 50 years of age patients. Sciatic nerve, like most other nerves, performs two basic functions, first it sends signals to the muscles of the brain, and the second, which collects sensory information from the legs and pass this back to the brain. When people usually refer to sciatica, it is not necessarily a problem in the sciatic nerve, it is a problem when being pinched nerve as it exits the spine.

Sciatic nerve is usually injured by pelvic fractures or other trauma to the buttocks or thigh. . This pressure is created due to sitting or lying in a certain position, which affects the sciatic nerve gradually for long periods of time. It can also be damaged sciatic nerve by the pressure of such a tumor or bleeding in the pelvis. Depending on where the sciatic nerve is affected, the pain can also radiate to the foot or toes.
Pain in the back or leg that is worse when sitting.Burning or tingling sensation down the legDifficulty moving the leg or foot because of weakness or numbnessA constant pain on one side of the rear which makes it difficult to stand up.

Sciatica can be very scary, especially if you do not realize what is wrong. Begin to feel that you have become paralyzed, despite the fact that most of the time the pain can be effectively treated. In the first few days it's very important to get away from your feet. Get up and down repeatedly causes the nerve to become more irritation. Soaking warm water can be very soothing, but it depends heat for long periods of inflammation, and maintain high swelling. Most doctors are telling their patients to apply ice packs directly on their lower back area for twenty minutes, every few hours. Although this can feel like torture, cold pack reduces swelling.

Some doctors prescribe drugs, but drugs can be addictive. Not be considered as a good alternative to surgery because it helps only about one in a hundred people. It has also been known to surgery to cause more damage in many cases. Open only to back surgery can correct sciatica but also may bring with it a high risk and many complications. There is also another treatment is the treatment laser spine where the bulging disk is removed with the laser so that the spinal cord or nerve root is no longer affecting

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