Monday, April 29, 2013

Pinched Nerve Symptoms

Pinched Nerve Symptoms

Are you suffering from a lot of pain, numbness, weakness and tingling sensation in some part of your body? If yes, then you may be suffering from a pinched nerve. Let us go into the details of what is a pinched nerve.

What is a Pinched Nerve
There are 24 vertebrae and each vertebra are separated by shock absorbing disks. These shock absorbing disks are soft and gelatinous structures that provide cushioning between two vertebrae and prevent them from touching. There are many nerves and nerve roots around the spinal cord and these are in turn surrounded by muscles, tendons, cartilages. When the disc between the spinal cord gets herniated it causes a pinched nerve. The herniated disk in the lower spine may put pressure on a nerve root. This causes pain that radiated down to the back of the leg. Or one may experience pain and numbness in the hand or fingers due to a pinched nerve in the wrist. A pinched nerve can happen anywhere in the body.

Symptoms of a Pinched Nerve
The symptoms of a pinched nerve are tell tale signs of a problem in your body. The pinched nerve symptoms are as follows:

Numbness and low sensation in the area that is covered by the pinched nerve.
Sharp pain that radiates outward.
The pain is aggravated by coughing or sneezing when the pinched nerve originates from the spinal cord.
One may experience 'pins and needles' or tingling sensation.
One may experience muscle weakness and twitching in the affected area.
One may experience frequent 'fallen asleep' foot or hand.

Pinched Nerve Risk Factors
Pinched nerve symptoms are commonly seen in people with poor posture. When one has poor posture sitting or standing it will add pressure on the spine that will in turn cause pressure on the nerves leading to pinched nerve symptoms.

The other risk factor includes osteoarthritis where the nerves are pinched between the bone spurs that leads to symptoms of pinched nerve symptoms. Pinched nerve may be caused by repetitive hand, shoulder, or wrist moment. Working on the computer, assembly line, etc. increases the likelihood of developing pinched nerves symptoms. Obesity may add extra weight and pressure on the nerves leading to pinched nerves. And some people are just genetically build to be prone for developing pinched nerve.

How to Treat a Pinched Nerve
Many cases of pinched nerves are treated by just rest and ice compress. You may need to stop all the activities that may be aggravating the pinched nerve symptoms. The doctor may advice you to wear a splint or brace depending on the area affected with symptoms of pinched nerves. You may need to wear a splint nerve at night in case of carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica and even during the day to minimize the movement of your wrists.

The doctor may prescribe non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) like ibuprofen and naproxen. They help to relieve and lower the inflammation around the nerve. In case of severe pain, the doctor may prescribe corticosteroid injections to minimize the inflammation and pain.

You may even have to visit physical therapist for physical exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the affected area. You may need to carry out pinched nerve exercises that help relieve the pressure off the nerve. If nothing helps relieve the pain after these conservative treatments for several weeks to few months, one may need to undergo surgery. The type of surgery depends on the location of pinched nerve. In case of pinched nerve in neck or lower back, the surgeon may remove some portion of the disc or bone spurs that are causing pressure on the nerve. Pinched nerve in wrists may involve surgery to release the nerve tissue pressure in the wrist or elbow.

Pinched Nerve Prevention
You can prevent the pinched nerve symptoms by maintaining a good posture to prevent pressure on the spinal cord nerves. You should exercise regularly and carry out strengthening and flexibility exercises to make your muscles strong. In case of repetitive actions due to work, you need to take frequent breaks to allow the muscles and nerves to relax. And you should eat right and maintain your weight to prevent the numerous health problems associated with obesity.

This was some information related to pinched nerve symptoms. You should consult your doctor for medical assistance and help in treatment of pinched nerve. If left untreated, pinched nerve may cause peripheral neuropathy, tarsal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, etc. I hope this article has helped you understand the pinched nerve symptoms

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